Saturday, January 27, 2007

Can we get a moratorium on the word "alumni"?

If I see one more bumper sticker, license plate frame or t-shirt proclaiming that someone is an ALUMNI of XYZ College/University or whatever, I swear I am going to take a box cutter to the offending item! Well, not really, but I am still not going to congratulate the person on said accomplishment.

Let's get down to basics here, folks--ALUMNI is a plural! it means more than one person! The proper word for an individual who was part of any formal institutional group (not just college) is ALUMNUS (male) or ALUMNA (female). Yes, I know that most colleges are using "alumni" for individuals, but that is the lazy way out as far as I am concerned.

When I was in college, I had to take a writing exam to prove I was more than merely functionally literate. I passed it on the first attempt. Now, I hear there are people who must take it five or six times to make a minimal passing score. That is truly sad. But then, we live in a society where alternate spellings are considered quite normal. Then, when you consider that formerly fastidious editors allow the abomination of using apostrophes to indicate a plural, you just know that no one gives a damn about language anymore.

Personally, I believe that people who don't bother to use the proper words and punctuation in a coherent and organized manner when trying to present a serious argument do not deserve the attention they seek.