The dieting addiction is the most troubling of the things listed. Once a person jumps on that wagon train, some go off the deep end and treat their diet as a religion. I am seeing this with the online support group my best friend/sister belongs to. Those people are just like Jesus freaks when it comes to their weight loss.
OK, so you lost a little or a lot of weight. It isn't like you saved the world or earned the Nobel Prize for physics. You decided you needed to lose the weight and did so. Great! I am happy you stuck to your guns and achieved your goals. But, for the love of God, do NOT presume to tell me that being overweight the tiniest bit makes you less than human or not normal or a freak. You are a person with a weight problem that you are trying to tackle. Saying anything else is just plain stupid and could cause serious issues for others who think they are "fat" and will take that negative validation as their cue to anorexia or worse. I even said as much, only to be told that they are NOT human or whatever until they become skinny. That is too sad.
One girl I work with had lap band surgery and now is so skinny, a good wind would blow her way. She is afraid to eat a salad with dressing for fear she will "balloon up". A freaking salad, for the love of Pete!
Those are the people that make me never want to be the weight I was in college, sick as a dog and never eating in public. Not anorexic, but a stomach issue that kept me from digesting properly. I still have that problem and my metabolism is now so slow, a single grape can cause me great distress and to gain weight disproportionately. I am also not diabetic, but the opposite where my blood sugar is always too low. Sucks, but I am not going to freak out and join a diet cult to become "normal".
Yes, I understand that women of a certain size category cannot walk into Macy's and buy off the rack. Why would they want to when they know that the "plus size" category isn't profitable for those stores unless they skimp on quality, style and quantity. The fabric is cheap, the cut is just a misses size expanded which kills the proportions (too long in the armholes, too much fabric in the thighs, waistband not cut right, etc.), the styles are from 10 years ago and they never have enough of a halfway decent item. There are stores that DO carry quality items, but I think there is a certain category of large women who insist on shopping at the major names to prove to themselves they are NOT "normal" or "human" or whatever. Or they go to Target, KMart or that abominable WalMart, buy the nasty polyester items or "Just My Size" just so they can whine they cannot find "nice" things. Several women of size that I know dress like they are ready to address the board of directors or Congress on less than I make, so I know the clothes are out there.
I am truly pleased that my sis has taken the initiative for her own sake but am not impressed by the people who are "supporting" her. They all have fallen victim to the fanaticism of their struggles. Lose the damn weight if you people must, but stop acting like y'all have done anything that will change any world but your own. After all, if you are losing weight for any other reason than because you personally need/want to for your health or whatever, then don't expect me to cheer you on. I will not cheer on someone who has gone from size 26 to 6 and talks about how "fat" they still are or discusses 50 different ways to make rice cakes taste like anything other than rice cakes (can't be done).
T, you done good and I am thrilled as you are for every pound you shed. Don't you stop working towards your goal. And don't let those people drag you into a life where you will be a slave to the scale. I love you no matter what!

Now, don't get me started on former smokers and those who feel married to their weapons. At least not tonight... Later this week.