Tuesday, December 14, 2004

To add to the rant

I also hate those people with obscure "religious charity" affiliations who stand in the middle of the damned street with collection buckets. I specifically hate the people who walk in between cars during red lights, waving at you and shaking that bucket. Then they won't get out of the freakin' way when the lights change!

There was an investigative story on those groups a while back on TV here. Turns out that many of those "religious charities" are just a front for pan-handling. People pay $15 for the regalia (bucket, T-shirt, etc.) each day and then get to pocket whatever they collect. They get driven all over town and set up on busy corners to make their collections. I cannot give to them any more than I can give to the professional beggars. No freebies for those who refuse to play fairly.

Not to be completely mean, I will give to the Shriners, the firemen collecting for their "boot" funds and to charities that are vested, sanctioned and properly registered and recognized.

In other commentary, I called the Peterson thing wrong. I still think that in the long term something will come out to show that the jerk-off didn't kill Laci and Conner after all. The man is too crass to do something so neat and clean. He seems to be the type that would brag to Amber about the ultimate sacrifices he made for her.

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