I think you have seen the link to his blog under "Cool Visits". I hope you click over there and read some of his material. It's very good. With a professor's encouragement, he was consolidating some of the best pieces for publication. Find his post about Thanksgiving dinners or the one about weak-ass fake chili. You'll laugh out loud and click for more.
Speaking of clicking, did you see the link to something called "Donate for Sam's Sake"? It's been there for a reason. You see, Sam needed a kidney transplant and in our country, you have to have a giant bank account for after-care as one of the preconditions. Yep, you need to have $100K or more before serious consideration unless you have the Rolls Royce of insurance that will cover 100% of all your costs with no caps and low co-pays. I'll save the insurance rant for later this week...
Anyway, that means Larry Hagman was able to afford getting a new liver (to perhaps destroy with more drinking) and that Natalie Cole will get HER kidney before the end of the year. Did you SEE how many people called/emailed Larry King with offers to give one up to her?!? Meanwhile, click on that link, too, so someone will get closer to THEIR future and say "Sam's friend sent you".
Some very good people did their best to help Sam with raising money, but times are hard and people don't give to causes that aren't "sexy" in terms of garnering headlines. But his friends still did what they could. If nothing else, we clicked the Paypal button to made sure he had pizza and comic book money.
He was working out to build up his body for that ever-pending call to haul butt to the hospital, he went back to college and had a career planned, he was working on the book... He never gave up although I know he had "those" days. I just hope someone got him those "preview" copies of certain films he was wanting to see.
I hope his transition was peaceful, slipping from slumber to slipping earthly bonds. I am confident, no matter what, he went knowing that he had friends who loved him and will miss him madly.
This is Sam during one of the fund-raisers; it was the picture he used for his profile.

This picture is one from his blog, taken at DragonCon, I think. Do ya think he had a good time?

This is an oldie from the local access TV show (UGS) we did in Savannah, a great ensemble cast and a lot of comedy that was like working-class MadTV or early SNL. In other words--no budget, a lot of hilarious ideas and a cable access station that was willing to overlook a lot of things. Soon after this, the first head-shaving occurred.

I'd post the Tom Jones video he did for the UGS New Year's show in 1995, but he would come back and jerk me around... And then laugh his ass off as he chased some kids off MY lawn!
Very nicely done with the many faces of Sam. I've known the man since 1991, and I can vouch for his versatility. What a hoot he could be! And now, he has left the building...
I don't consider it so much leaving the building as a BIG change of address.
I'm gonna miss the big lug...who do I have now to argue with about St. Patrick's Day in Savannah?
Sam was as close to a true brother to me as my own blood. I'm sure that he's read the words that all have posted and has the biggest "golly gee shucks" face right now. So much of the color (pun intended) has left my life with his passing. My only consolation is that I was able to see him, and enjoy with him, his last night in our lives.
I love you bro.
That is a good memory to hold on to.
If you do not see flowers at the funeral, that is because the florists on this side of the freaking country said they could not possibly arrange a Saturday delivery on such short notice. AAAARGH!! So the money I was going to spend on flowers is going to donations in Sam's honor to the transplant fund.
If someone sees this before you go, give our love and condolences to his family.
Please contact me if you are interested in a DVD of the slideshow shown at Sam's funeral. His family has made it available and asked me to help spread the word.
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