Sunday, September 26, 2004


Hurricane Jeanne killed my Miami trip! Boo-hoo! I was really jonesing for this one as I needed a break and was looking forwarded to spending a week with adults who share my interests. Danielle is happy because I am staying home.

My birthday was on the 20th. Sucked as all my money went to an electic fan motor, tires and brakes for "Valentino" the van. Nearly $600 I didn't have-had to cash in some savings bonds, which was really bad. I still need to replace the back brakes and get a tune-up (another $200-300 bucks).

In other news, I took the plunge and applied for a Civil Service job. I have been trying to get a transfer with AAFES, but they are refusing to move people. They prefer to promote unqualified people locally, hoping those people will be able to self-teach OJT. That's fine for sales since nearly everyone has had some past experience, but we're talking computers and networks here. There was an opening at Ft. Gordon which would have been great. Instead of moving someone with qualifications who wanted to go there (like me!), they laterally moved a visual merchandiser with no computer networking/hardware/software maintanence. I know the girl-if it isn't preinstalled, she can't handle it. There is also an opening at Warner Robins that I have made it known that I want.

To add insult to injury, I found out that for the entire time I have been with AAFES, despite having copies of my official transcripts, the system used to score promotions was never programmed with the fact I have a degree. So for all this time, I was being passed over for promotions. Tomorrow, I have to call someone at HQ and see what I need to do to get the situation corrected. Moving me back home would be a nice start, as would a raise.

Surgery has been changed to the 19th because I needed a little more prep time to get things in some sort of shape before I'm unable to lift anything for a while.

Meanwhile, it's off to Target in a little while to buy Teeniez for Danielle and a few other supplies. Then I come back home, do laundry and sew a little.

I'd still rather be in Miami!

PS: Is it just me or is that Sarah Jessica Parker/Lenny Kravitz Gap commercial the most annoying thing on TV lately? It was cute for about 10 seconds, but now it just grates! I still think Lenny is smokin', though.

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