Friday, October 22, 2004


Had the shoulder surgery Tuesday. Although it hurts like a mutha, some of the related pain is slowly going away-the pinched nerve seems to be relieved, for one thing. I have a huge surgical bandage pack over the area, but I get to take the thing off tomorrow and get my first peek. Luckily it was arthoscopic surgery, so I am only supposed to have three relatively small boo-boos. Joy of joys-I WILL FINALLY GET TO TAKE A SHOWER AGAIN!!!! Washcloth bathing and washing hair in a sink truly sucks.

I spent most of the down time puttering around the house. I finished Danielle's jacket, so I have taken up crocheting again. I have a bunch of quicky cap and scarf patterns, so I made D a couple of 70s-style hats (close-fitting with the flowers on the side) and a scarf to match one of them. I am officially the cool mommy at both her school and the Youth Center. If the 4H guy and I can get it coordinated, I will be teaching a course in beginning crochet for the kids who want to learn. One of the patterns I have will be perfect as it makes up in literally one evening.

I also spent WAY too much time watching the Ted Binion retrial. Dang! There are some real nut jobs on the moneyed side of the Beltway! The doctor should have been retired long ago. If after 30+ years in country, the man still can't "speaky the English" or understand it, maybe it is time to give it up. So far, the prosecution has said nothing to convince me that Sandy Murphy and Rick Tavish did the deed. They might have been around, but I think Ted did it to himself because he was upset at Sandy for doing Rick. Who knows?

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