Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I'm baaa-ack!

You know, life sneaks up on you and you get busy. D has done two "Nutcrackers", grown about 10" and is getting too beautiful for her own good. I finally buckled and let her get her ears pierced. She has been taking care of the new earrings and doing all the new piercing stuff like cleaning and turning. The payoff is the cute little monkey (MONKEY!!!!) earrings she gets to put in this weekend (six weeks are up this Saturday). However, start a girl on jewelry.... She has a list!

Another year of school and another grade passed. The Diva is now in the 5th grade. Her dumbass principal pulled a fast one with a poor translator and got a bunch of scared Mexicans to vote for mandatory uniforms starting this year (D's final at the school). She won't even allow waivers for D's mental health. Watch me find creative ways to get around the rules without actually breaking the dress code. Never, NEVER piss off a mother with a sewing machine, patterns and a design background!

Sadly, Miss Thing says she doesn't want to do "The Nutcracker" this year because of a modeling expo she is going to attend because the prep lessons are at the same time as rehearsals. I'm righteously pissed because she would likely have been a "party scene girl" this year (after being a boy this last time around). If she skips a year, she won't be in the party scene again. Hell would free over before the "poor" girls get to be Clara or even Fritz! The only option next year is "angel" and that is the dumbest part (two minutes of dancing in smoke at the beginning of the second act and then sitting on stools for an hour). Don't let anyone tell you that the arts aren't political and that ballerinas are all sweetness and light. Baby, most of them are witches on wheels and evil because they overate (two celery sticks instead of one). I lovingly refer to them as "monsterinas".

I have a second car! And it is NEW--as in, 42 miles total off the dealer lot because I took a long test drive up 95. She's a cute little Aveo hatchback we have dubbed "Rosey" because she is red. Still have the old van and it still runs (though no A/C, so I don't go too far in the summertime when I need to drive it).

Work is a four-letter word that, should I discuss it, some wanker will try to fire me for having an opinion on my own time. Oh, yes! Blogging is now a sin, and even saying that my employer says so is a sin, too. GMAFB!

Oh, BTW--I hate spam comments and will hunt those posters down and feed them the printouts of their crap AFTER I have placed said printouts in the cat box for a week or so...

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