Saturday, January 12, 2008

Another day at the ballet

Well, R came in last night with her mom and announced she was quitting NBT. The official excuse was that she wanted a break and, since they weren't going to be here for the Spring Concert anyway, it would be a waste of time for her to learn the numbers.

D tried to speak to R, but she ignored D completely so D just walked away and didn't say anything else. You would think that at the end, the child would have enough manners to be civil. Well, it just shows the rampant meanness that prevails.

I also heard that Y is going to attempt to home school because she doesn't want her children exposed to the great unwashed masses and general populace before high school. I cracked up when I heard that because her older girl is already a beotch and pretty much the person Mommy wants her to avoid. Sad, really.... And she is STILL playing that "victim" card about how I picked on her. Y, just get over yourself! People see you for what you are and are getting bored--they just don't say anything because they think you might have money and have some small influence over NBT people. Uh-huh...

In other news, there is a big stink brewing over the way JK handles the girls. Several of them were talking about him Wednesday night, saying that they are beginning to hate ballet because of the way he treats them, grabbing them roughly and kicking them. NZ's parents grabbed him off after class that night because he apparently grabbed her by the neck to "adjust" her posture in class last week. I have spoken to him in the past about the way he physically pushes D around. She came out of Youth Company rehearsals in tears last week, wanting to quit right on the spot, because he was mishandling her and grabbing her in that spot between the clavicle and the shoulder blade whenever he repositioned her. I told her to yell in pain every time he grabs her and then tell him loudly that he is hurting her. That way, everyone hears it.

There is a rumor going around that the administration in the Academy will be undergoing a drastic change next year. I can only assume it might be because the current curriculum and policies have cost them students and so revenue.

I hear the money flow is so bad that the real reason they HAD to change the original prize for the dance essay (two tickets to the B & W ball-once around $200, now $750) to one month's tuition and some cash was because they couldn't afford that original prize. I just fear a huge tuition hike (after all, according to JK, ballet is for "wealthy people") which would send a lot of girls right out the door.

Fern Adair is looking better and better...

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