Monday, February 02, 2009

Update on the birthday

The little brat who stole D's jeans has been texting her all day with threats. She also goofed up by telling D that she does have the jeans, but she got them from someone else. Except that the store she said they came from doesn't sell that brand and the girl she claimed to have gotten them from wears like a size 13 and the jeans are size 0.

I hate to get all "Vendetta" on this kid, but you know... How do you keep lying and then send threats via a method that can be traced? I'm just angry that the criminal got her hands on D's phone and deleted a lot of her contacts (and I think copied others), along with sending rude messages to other people using her phone. Guess the little darlin' hasn't heard of the instant statement from the cell company.

A trip to the school in the morning, a trip to the cops to update the event report... Yeah, my Tuesday "mental health day" is going to be SUCH a treat.

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