Bad enough that The Diva was injured in class during observation week and the usual suspects ignored the injury AND the fact that she showed up for rehearsal, dressed out and ready to watch and take notes. All I got was “make sure she heals during Spring break”.
In other news, no good thing ever stays good. I was told a few days ago that JK is back at NBT, this time on the professional side of the house and vying for KDL’s position. Since that is one of the alleged reasons for the departure of BS last Thanksgiving, that is a truly stupid move on the part of NBT. According to what I heard, the Board didn’t want to have any more scandal or controversy, so they rolled over and created another position for JK.
Fine if they are all about the CYA aspect of their little company, but DAYUM, people! What are you telling the kids he scared and injured? That covering the blemishes is more important than their safety? That keeping the money rolling in is more important than the children whose tuition fees and participation in “The Nutcracker” keep their happy asses open on the professional side of the house?
The crazy oriental mothers who think that all males are gods are all “well, that is how it is done back home and it must work.” My favorite is “well, they do that at the Kirov and the Moscow companies”. I looked at one of them—a former dancer herself--and pointed out that those companies also teach the children to smoke by 8 or 9 so they will stay skinny (Did you see “The Simpsons” episode with Lisa that featured the Roy Scheider dance teacher? This was the running theme!), then asked her if she would support that for her daughters. I got a lot of stuttering and eye-shifting. Thought so… *Snap!*
Of course The Diva had to show her ass last night and tried to bite me. I smacked her to make her let go and one of her classmates saw it. The little brat then ran to tell everyone else I "beat" D. I am just waiting for the busy-body brigade to be all over me today.
And—speaking of tuition—it is going up again. The summer class schedule is up and darned if all the fees went up enough to make parents second-thought their commitments to the place. I worked out my projected July raise with the tuition hit and I can do it, but it will be painful. There are parents who are getting hit with the ARM sledgehammer and some who are getting less hours at work; they are looking into less expensive options. I’ve looked at Fern Adair and am thinking of having The Diva take a class or two with them over the summer to see how they stack up with their pointe program.
Meanwhile, Ms. D is going to take a theater workshop with the Rainbow Youth Company during the summer if she can (the low age is supposed to be 13, but depending on the class size, they may allow her in anyway). Get some training, take some voice…
She sure won’t make it as a Rhodes scholar--not because she is stupid, but because she won’t do homework no matter how much I plead. But that is another entry.